fun english language learning materials

Spaghetti Trees?


On April 1, 1957 the BBC broadcast a documentary about spaghetti trees (see below). It described that year’s excellent crop for ‘spaghetti farmers’ in Switzerland.

‘It’s the mild winter,’ a professor explained.

The audience watched film of a Swiss family pulling pasta off
spaghetti trees. As they placed it into baskets, a voice-over said:
‘There’s nothing like real, home-grown spaghetti.’

Can I grow spaghetti?
The Swiss Spaghetti spoof documentary created enormous interest. Hundreds of people phoned the BBC. 'How can I grow spaghetti ?' they asked.

An official BBC replied: “Place some cooked spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce. Leave the tin on your window the 1st of April”.

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Note for ESL, EFL & ESOL Teachers

What is ESL Young Learners?
An independent website providing free resources for English language teachers and students. These include reading and listening materials for use in the classroom or online.

Which resources can I use with my students?
Think of ESL Young Learners as a library. Materials are broadly categorised by age and/or
level - but visitors can use any materials they can manage.

  • Materials for the Age 5+ range in level from Beginners to Pre-intermediate.
  • Materials for the Age 10+ range in level from Pre-intermediate to Upper Intermediate.

Less confident
older learners may want to try the materials for younger children or vice versa.