English for Young Learners

Emperor Penguins

Emperor Penguinsclick on images

The biggest penguins?

Emperor Penguins are the biggest Penguins. They are 120 cm tall and can weigh 40 kilograms.
Here is an Emperor Penguin next to a 2 metre man. A tall man next to an Emperor Penguin

Emperor penguins have yellow patches around their ears and throat.

brood pouches
And they long narrow beaks (
see photo above).

Where do they live?

Emperor penguins live in the Antarctic. This is the coldest place in the world. In winter it is dark 24 hours a day.

Emperor penguins are the only bird or animal to stay on the Antarctic ice during the winter.

Emperor penguins in Argentina. Picture by Riomanso
photo by robnunn, Flickr Creative Commons
There are also Emperor penguins in the islands off South America. The ones you see in the photo are in Argentina.


Emperor penguins have their chicks on the ice.

emperor and chick
Mothers keep their chicks warm in their brood pouches. They have to be very careful. A chick that falls on the ice would die in a few minutes.

How long do they live for?

Emperor penguins love snow
Emperor Penguins are very tough and strong. They live longer than other penguins despite living in the coldest place.

They can live up to 50 years-old.


Emperor Penguins can dive to 565 meters. This is deeper than any other bird.

Emperors can stay under for more than 20 minutes.

Fun Facts

Emperor penguins eat fish, squid and Krill.

Emperors huddle together on the ice

They have several layers of feathers. They also huddle together to keep warm.

Mumble in Happy Feet is an Emperor penguinMumble in Happy Feet is an Emperor penguin

Penguins * Photos * Quick Quiz * Learning Activities

More Emperor Penguin Materials from National Geographic

Adelie *Emperor *Little *Macaroni *African *Peruvian Penguin* Habitat
