fun english language learning materials

. Imagine you are going to get a school pet. You can choose any pet you like except a cat or a dog.

It could be an animal, a bird, an insect - even a reptile!

How about a
cuddly crocodile?

  1. Invent a name for your pet.
  2. Write down what it eats.
  3. Write down what things you need to do for your pet? Does it need walks? Or special weather?
  4. Are there animals or birds your pet doesn’t like?
  5. Do you need to do anything to keep your pet safe?


1. A friend is thinking about getting either a dog or a cat or a rabbit.

Write a letter explaining why you think this is
not a good idea. You can find more information here

2. You are going on holiday and a friend is looking after your pet. Write some instructions for looking after him/her.

Classroom activities

1. Role play a family visiting a pet shop.

Mum wants a cat. Dad wants a dog. Lucy wants a rabbit. Paul wants a monkey!

The pet shop owner wants to sell the family a snake!

Five things I didn't know about: pets

Work in groups to find five new facts about pets. At least one must not be from the Internet - try books, encyclopedias, dictionaries etc.

Think about:
  1. what is the most popular pet in your country?
  2. what is the most dangerous pet?
  3. which pet costs the most to buy/feed etc ?
A useful website is here

Pets Crossword
Cats Crossword